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Asphalt Reinforcement

Cracking adalah masalah utama dalam asphalt dan terjadi karena bermacam sebab seperti konstruksi yang buruk, deviasi suhu, overload, banjir, deformasi tanah dasar, dan sebagainya. Dari cracking inilah kemudian air limpasan dapat menginfiltrasi dan masuk ke base course jalan dan memperburuk keadaan. Pada mulanya setelah crack timbul maka akan diikuti lubang kecil yang kemudian semakin besar.
Asphalt reinforcement/ perkuatan pada aspal dapat dilakukan dengan memberi tulangan pada lapisan aspal, tentunya bukan tulangan baja tetapi berupa polymer yang memang diperuntukkan sebagai fungsi perkuatan. Material ini disebut sebagai paving grid. Berikut manfaat yang diperoleh:
  1. Menambah durabilitas jalan aspal
  2. Biaya rendah untuk perawatan jangka panjang
  3. Mudah dan murah dalam instalasi/konstruksi
  4. Tensile strength tinggi
  5. Menghemat penggunaan aspal (Mengurangi tebal aspal yg diperlukan)
  6. Mencegah initial cracking/ retak dini pada asphalt
  7. Elongasi maksimum 3,5 %
  8. High temperature & Creep Resistant (800°C)
  9. Sertifikasi dari lab.
Dari grafik di atas maka dapat dapat dilihat glass polymer grid memberikan harga minim untuk besar crack, sebaliknya tanpa paving grid akan memberikan harga maksimal. Untuk harga sendiri glass polymer grid sedikit lebih besar dari PET grid (Dlm tensile strength yg sama) yaitu berkisar Rp. 80.000 /m2 u/ glass sedang PET berkisar RP. 60.000 /m2. Pemberian emulsi/tack coat pada badan jalan yg lama dan menunggu waktu break dari emulsi. Gambar di atas adalah pemasangan paving grid di atas tack coat. Mudah, sederhana dan cepat. Tebal minimum untuk lapisan baru aspal 5 cm. (www.indomigas.wordpress.com)

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Kansai International Airport (KIX) is the international airport which will operate round-the-clock. Because of the need to complete the environmental problems at both the Osaka International Airport and meet the increasing demand for air transportation in the Kansai region, the airport was built 5 km offshore from the southeast of Senshu in Osaka Bay, full of the need to consider protection of the environment. To take advantage of the vitality of the private sector to work for public-project, construction and administration of the airport conducted by Kansai International Airport Limited (a special corporation established through joint investment by the central government, local governments, and private sector), which are held under special laws. Diwilayah Kansai, where the Kansai International Airport is located, is the main economic areas of Japan with about 24 million gross regional product and about 92 trillion yen, equivalent to approximately 19% of the total GDP of Japan. Besides the economy, also in relation to culture, this area is one of the most important areas of outstanding attractions, including the Kyoto and Nara, both of which are ancient capital and cultural center in Japan which has the status of world cultural heritage, and the many national treasure and important cultural properties. Airport has played an important role to provide air gateway that connects this area with many interesting areas in the country and other countries around the world to support the exchange of goods and people within and outside the country. FORUM IN Kansai Theme: scale infrastructure projects and activities for the prevention of earthquake and tsunami. Outline: 3 Visited the following review large-scale infrastructure projects in the Osaka metropolitan area and the activities of prevention of earthquake and tsunami in the country of Japan.
  1. Kansai International Airport: deep-sea large scale grading in the soft sea floor.
  2. Osaka Meteorological Observatory: Earthquake and tsunami monitoring system.
  3. Hanshin Public Corporation: The site where the rail and employ methods include tunneling.
1. Kansai International Airport Land Development Co., Ltd) 2.Osaka Meteorologi Observatory (Osaka Meteorologi Observatory) 3. Hanshin Publik Corporation Dr Takechiho Tabata; Director Kansai International Airport Land Development Co., Ltd Osaka, Japan Currently, as Chief Engineer, Dr. Tabata in power on the island of Second Construction Project of Kansai International Airport, which is one of the biggest and most challenging project to handle 250 million m3 of land for deep-sea reclamation. The budget for this project is more than U.S. $ 900 billion. He holds a Master degree and Doctorate from the University of Osaka. He has been a Fellow and Executive Professional Civil Engineers Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE). As a civil engineer, he has worked for the Port and Harbor Bureau of Ministry of Transportation in Japan for 28 years. During the carrier, he held many prestigious positions such as Managing Director of Port and Port Construction Office Design and Investigation Office. In addition, he has fulfilled an important role in the technology department of the Port and Harbor Bureau as Director. Kansai International Airport a man-made island, 4 km (2.48mi) long and 1 km (.62 miles) wide. Construction began in 1987 and opened in 1994 with three excavated near the mountain for 21 million cubic meters of space, 10,000 workers and 10 million hours of work for 3 years, with 80 ships which are required to complete a thirty-meter layer of soil on the sea floor and in the sea wall. Kansai International Airport has been built on the island was made in Osaka Bay, at the beach Senshu. He was sitting about 5 kilometers from the coast. The only access is through to the KIX Sky Gate Bridge R. One of the ends of the bridge lies in the area rinku Izumisano City in Osaka, the other, Kansai International Airport. Construction on the bridge began in June 1987 and completed in March 1994.

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Wajib Baja Dalam Negeri

Jakarta - Departemen Perindustrian (Depperin) merevisi aturan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) baja, yang terdiri dari SNI wajib jenis baja lembar seng (BjLS) dan baja tulang beton (BTB). Langkah ini merupakan upaya untuk menekan beredarnya baja non standar dan melindungi produsen baja dalam negeri terhadap serangan baja impor non standar. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Direktur Industri Logam Direktorat Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Tekstil dan Aneka (ILMTA) I Putu Suryawirawan di gedung Depperin, Rabu (5/4/2008). "Tujuannya agar mempersempit adanya produk baja yang non standar termasuk BjLS dan BTB, yang selama ini dikenal dengan jenis besi banci," paparnya. Aturan baru ini dikeluarkan pada 13 Februari 2008 dalam bentuk Permenprin No 6 tahun 2008 dan Permenprin No 7 tahun 2008 yang berisi soal ketentuan SNI wajib BTB dan BjLS, yang sekaligus mencabut SK Menperin NO 256 tahun 1979 dan SK Menperin No 131 tahun 1980 mengenai SNI wajib BTB dan BjLS dan sekaligus juga mencabut Keputusan Menperin No 68 tahun 1997 soal penerapan SNI wajib BjLS. Nantinya pemberlakuan SNI wajib baja yang baru ini akan diberlakukan setelah 6 bulan kedepan. "Kita akan mulai terapkan pada Agustus 2008, baik bagi produsen lokal maupun asing," ujarnya. Menurutnya beberapa aturan tersebut sejak tahun 1984 belum pernah direvisi, untuk itu langkah revisi dinilai perlu. Bahkan, lanjut Putu, penggodokan aturan baru ini sudah mengalami pembahasan sejak tahun 2003 lalu. "Nantinya Depdag melalui Direktorat pengawasan barang beredar kan berperan sebagai pengawas terhadap peredaran baja BjLS dan BTB," katanya.

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